Easily watch and read anytime, anywhere with the IMStick Magnetic Smartphone Holder. This user-friendly device holds your smartphone, provid...
Easily watch and read anytime, anywhere with the IMStick Magnetic Smartphone Holder. This user-friendly device holds your smartphone, providing a hands-free solution to watching and reading off your mobile device. Made from aircraft grade aluminum, IMSTick uses integrated neodymium magnets for a secure grip. Simply wrap the magnetic smartphone holder around your hand to complete tasks without dropping or losing your phone. Likewise, you can fix it to your bicycle handlebar to keep an eye on your itinerary, calorie-counting app..
from The Gadget Flow http://bit.ly/2GuXpeq
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.
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