Enjoy music while you ride with the SlimBuds Motorcycle Helmet Earphones. These in-ear headphones stay in place, even when you’re wearing yo...
Enjoy music while you ride with the SlimBuds Motorcycle Helmet Earphones. These in-ear headphones stay in place, even when you’re wearing your helmet. SlimBuds come with a silicone ear hook that keeps them right where you want them at all times. Featuring a slim design, you can just slide your helmet over the earphones when putting on or taking off your gear. Additionally, one pair is compatible with all types of helmets without requiring any installation. Just put the SlimBuds..
from The Gadget Flow http://bit.ly/2SCCwp0
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.
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