Take your music anywhere with the Ultimate Ears BOOM 3 Bluetooth Speaker. This waterproof speaker enhances the way you listen to music thank...
Take your music anywhere with the Ultimate Ears BOOM 3 Bluetooth Speaker. This waterproof speaker enhances the way you listen to music thanks to its 360-degree sound and waterproof design. A must-have for pool parties or beach trips, you can even use the speaker underwater. The cylindrical design comes in four beautiful colors and the speaker delivers immersive, stereophonic audio in every direction. Additionally, the speaker also offers a deep, rich bass texture. Having passed over 25 seriously tough durability tests, the BOOM..
from The Gadget Flow http://bit.ly/2I0zPIQ
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.
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