When you practice motocross, you know having a great helmet is important. That’s where the Fox V3 Moto Helmet comes in. Fox developed this h...
When you practice motocross, you know having a great helmet is important. That’s where the Fox V3 Moto Helmet comes in. Fox developed this helmet with impact protection in mind—the V3 protects your head from rotational and linear impacts. With abundant ventilation, this moto helmet also offers Fluid Inside, a Fox-specific feature. This fluid assists your body’s natural brain-protection mechanism with fluid pods that act like a cerebrospinal fluid. In this way, this motocross helmet guards your brain from rotational..
from The Gadget Flow https://ift.tt/2S0ia5b
Trendly News | #ListenNow #Everyday #100ShortNews #TopTrendings #PopularNews #Reviews #TrendlyNews: Fox V3 Moto Helmet protects your head from impacts in any direction
Fox V3 Moto Helmet protects your head from impacts in any direction
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