The House of Marley Liberate Air Sustainable Wireless Earbuds prove that you can have the same high-quality devices without hurting the envi...
The House of Marley Liberate Air Sustainable Wireless Earbuds prove that you can have the same high-quality devices without hurting the environment. When fully charged, these sustainable earbuds last nine hours. That’s enough for you to pretty much listen to music all day. Even better, though, is that the fully charged case provides an additional 2.5 charges. All in all, this gives you up to 32 hours of listening time. Made of recycled plastic, the fabric is comfortable in your..
from The Gadget Flow
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.
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House of Marley Liberate Air Sustainable Wireless Earbuds give you up to 32 hours of battery life
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