Is your broadband deal the right one for the busy Christmas period?

Say goodbye to pointless socks and generic chocolate boxes, because five of the top broadband providers are offering you a Christmas gift yo...

Say goodbye to pointless socks and generic chocolate boxes, because five of the top broadband providers are offering you a Christmas gift you may actually (shock) need and like - some of the best broadband deals in the UK.

OK, so even the promise of fast broadband isn't exactly what you want under the Christmas tree. But it's around this period when you really start to see a strain on your bandwidth as you slowly see a descent of your whole family into your home. Or when you start getting interrupted as you try to stream 4K television and play games on your mobile device. You won't need our broadband speed test tool to show that things are lagging.

The bundles we've picked out below include some of the best fibre broadband deals and have lightning fast speeds - this is perfect for streaming and ensuring that even if you have too many people in you're household, your Wi-Fi quality should not drop. And if you're looking for a full on broadband and TV deal we have got you sorted.

So if you want TechRadar (move over Santa) to help you sort out your awesome Christmas present, just keep reading as we outline the top five broadband deals in the UK right now for those super fast speeds.

Now, if you want to get these broadband deals sorted before Christmas day itself, you're probably just a little bit late. The connection times will likely now take you beyond the 25th. But if you start feeling the strain of your current speeds and know that 2020 should be the year you finally have an upgrade, then these five offers are where you want to be looking.

1. Where fibre speeds and affordable bills meet

2. It's a freebie free for all!

3. Did someone say cashback?

4. TV and broadband sorted all in one 

5. All-singing all-dancing package 

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Is your broadband deal the right one for the busy Christmas period?
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