Here’s something you didn’t know your life was missing: the PuduTech BellaBot Food Delivery Robot. This feline waiter has the ability to pic...
Here’s something you didn’t know your life was missing: the PuduTech BellaBot Food Delivery Robot. This feline waiter has the ability to pick up food trays. And BellaBot can even meow, providing an interactive experience with humans. This cat robot has built-in trays that it uses to deliver fresh food to customers at their tables. Additionally, the waiter robot can use these same trays to return dirty dishes to the kitchen. Furthermore, with 3D omnidirectional sensing technology, BellaBot won’t run..
from The Gadget Flow
The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live.
Trendly News | #ListenNow #Everyday #100ShortNews #TopTrendings #PopularNews #Reviews #TrendlyNews: PuduTech BellaBot Food Delivery Robot is a tall cat that can bring you your meal
PuduTech BellaBot Food Delivery Robot is a tall cat that can bring you your meal
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