In preparation for the triumphant return of the Half-Life series in the form of the upcoming Alyx VR sequel, Valve is making all the previo...
In preparation for the triumphant return of the Half-Life series in the form of the upcoming Alyx VR sequel, Valve is making all the previous games free-to-play. Now you can get up to date on this older series before it makes its big comeback. Prepare for Half-Life: Alyx by revisiting City 17 and the war against the Combine. The full Half-Life collection is free to play on Steam from now until Half-Life: Alyx's release in March. — Valve (@valvesoftware) January 21, 2020 Half-Life: Source, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Half-Life 2: Episode Two, as well as Opposing Force and Blue Shift are all listed as free for…
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