Google patents a new fitness band without a display - Here's what we know

Google , despite its various efforts, has not been able to crack the code for wearables. WearOS powered watches have not been able to comp...

Google, despite its various efforts, has not been able to crack the code for wearables. WearOS powered watches have not been able to compete with the might of Apple Watch while the Fitbit acquisition is also considered as a step in the same direction.

Now a new patent spotted by the folks at 91 Mobiles hinting that Google is working on a new fitness tracker. While the patent listing doesn’t mention specifications or the features of the new wearable, however, it does mention that the new gadget is a “wristband for tracking fitness.”

Google, which has been making smartphones and smart home devices, does not have a wearable or a fitness tracker in its kitty. If this product gets to see the light of the day, then it would be first such from the company. Though the patent design suggests that this fitness tracker may not come with a display that is seen in most activity trackers in the market.

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Google Band

(Image credit: 91Mobiles)
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Google Band

(Image credit: 91Mobiles)
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Google Band

(Image credit: 91Mobiles)
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Google Band

(Image credit: 91Mobiles)
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Google Band

(Image credit: 91Mobiles)

Google fitness band : What we already know

The patent design also reveals the presence of sensors and trackers to monitor the health and physical activities. Google might use your smartphone, instead of a built-in display, to show the stats. It might use the Google Fit app or may make use of Google Assistant to share details about your activity.

Going by the patent document, the fitness band looks like a regular watch strap without a dial attached to it. The front of the band looks plain while the rear side has ridges throughout the length. These ridges will act as a lock to keep the band in its place.

The battery that powers the band might be housed along with the sensors and may come with a magnetic pogo connector which is almost a standard charging technology in this category. As of now, not much is known about this fitness tracker and whether it will actually be launched is also unknown.

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Google patents a new fitness band without a display - Here's what we know
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