AMD FidelityFX might beat Nvidia DLSS – here's why

AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) might have taken its time getting here, but according to at least one developer, the wait was worth i...

AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) might have taken its time getting here, but according to at least one developer, the wait was worth it as it was much easier to implement in their game than Nvidia's rival DLSS technology.

Edge of Eternity developer Midgar Studio spoke to Wccftech last week about their new Western JRPG, touching on everything from console development to the new resolution upscaling technologies from both AMD and Nvidia. Company CEO and lead programmer Jérémy Zeler-Maury offered a first-hand account of developing a game using both AMD and Nvidia's tech and said that AMD's solution was far simpler to include in Edge of Eternity than Nvidia's DLSS.

"Implementing DLSS was quite complex to integrate into Unity for a small studio like us," Zeler-Maury said, "it required tweaking the engine and creating an external plugin to bridge Unity and DLSS. It was complicated, but in the end, it gave amazing results. FSR, on the other hand, was very easy to implement, it only took me a few hours, requiring only simple data."

AMD's FSR tech fell short in some areas compared to Nvidia's DLSS, however. The source data Zeler-Maury used needed to be "as sharp as possible" because FSR isn't a "deep-learning method" like DLSS, so it can't reconstruct finer details as well as Nvidia's tech can. Still, Zeler-Maury said, "Quality-wise, when there is a lot of pixel info available for upscaling to 4K, both technologies give amazing results, and I have a hard time seeing differences between them. I’d even say that I slightly prefer the FSR for 4K resolution since it doesn’t introduce any artifacts/minor blurriness that DLSS can sometimes introduce."

We've reached out to Nvidia for comment on implementing DLSS for smaller indie titles and will update this story with their response if and when we hear back.

Is AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution the ideal tool for small developers?

For small, indie developers like Midgar Studio who don't have the kind of big teams that major AAA studios have, time spent on any given feature of a game is a premium investment. Having a simpler-to-implement tool can both save time and increase the likelihood that such a tool will be used.

If a small team, like the five-person crew behind the indie darling Valheim, can spend a day implementing something like AMD's FSR, that's a lot of reward for very little time invested. And since AMD's FSR is an open source technology that runs on non-AMD graphics cards – including older Nvidia GTX cards that are still widely used – it's also something that will benefit far more gamers than Nvidia's DLSS technology, which is limited to Nvidia's newer RTX cards.

If Zeler-Maury's experience is representative of FSR from a developer's perspective, than we can expect to see a lot more of AMD's new tech in games both large and small.

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AMD FidelityFX might beat Nvidia DLSS – here's why
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