Far Cry 6 looks like its going to be best on PC

Far Cry 6 is coming out soon on October 7, but we hadn't heard much about all the fancy PC tech that has been coming to the game. Ubis...

Far Cry 6 is coming out soon on October 7, but we hadn't heard much about all the fancy PC tech that has been coming to the game. Ubisoft however has just revealed a ton of juicy information about the PC version of the game. 

In a trailer detailing the PC features, Ubisoft has shown that Far Cry 6 will be a fully-featured PC game, with all the features that PC gamers have come to expect out of a modern launch. Things like ultrawide support and uncapped framerates are of course included, but there is so much more. 

The game will also support AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) – which we already knew – along with hybrid ray traced reflections and ray traced shadows. But don't let that all discourage you from picking it up on PC if you have low-end hardware. 

During the trailer, the narrator made sure to call out that the game will "take advantage of any hardware you run, from affordable to high-power PC rigs, everyone will enjoy the experience." We won't be able to tell how this game will run until we get our hands on it, but it sounds like even with all the high-end features, it will still be accessible to folks with less powerful gaming PCs. 

If you want to see what this game has in store, you won't have to wait long. Far Cry 5 comes out on PS5, Xbox Series S|X and PC on October 7. 

Opinion: a potential slam dunk for FSR

AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution, or FSR has only been around for a couple months, and it's been missing a title big enough to really blow up into the mainstream. Far Cry 6 is going to be that title. 

What's really going to make FSR blow up with this game is the fact that it's supported on such a wide range of hardware, so pretty much anyone will be able to turn it on and see some kind of benefit. Though, of course, AMD cards will see a bigger performance jump. 

This is in stark contrast with a game that launches with Nvidia's DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling), where only RTX-branded cards can even use the feature at all. I know I'm excited to see just how well FSR is going to run across a whole load of different graphics cards, and just how well the game will run on lower-end hardware in general. You can be sure I'll be playing with the built-in benchmark plenty. 

And I know it's a bit early to tell just how good this game will look – Ubisoft likely picked every frame in that trailer for a reason – but it's looking like this will be an excellent graphics showcase, like every other game in the franchise has been since its origins on PC way back in 2004. 

So, just like how Metro Exodus gave DLSS an early showcase back in 2019, I hope Far Cry 6 can do the same with FSR. But either way, we're still early on in the technology's lifespan, and if DLSS is any indication, developers will only get better at implementing it as time goes on, and I can't wait to see it. 

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Far Cry 6 looks like its going to be best on PC
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