The best Black Friday Amazon UK deals live and updated as they happen

The best Amazon Black Friday deals (Image credit: Future) So, Amazon has said that Black Friday started today, at 0:01... whic...

The best Amazon Black Friday deals

Amazon Black Friday

(Image credit: Future)

So, Amazon has said that Black Friday started today, at 0:01... which just happens to be a Thursday.

We're not seeing the huge glut of deals that would suggest that's the case - if it is, then this is a bit of a damp squib of a Black Friday (which does actually start for most retailers on November 26).

That's in addition to the Amazon Black Friday Week sale that's been running all this week, which actually saw some decent discounts on things like electric toothbrushes and Kindle / Echo devices.

However, we've hit the next wave of Amazon's sales in the UK, and we didn't get next-gen savings on Echo devices, not did the Fire TV Stick go down to the lowest price ever.

We're still looking through to see what's changed and exciting - we'll keep finding the top stuff for you, so do keep this live blog open and updating.

If you want to extend your remit beyond the deals that this live blog will be spotlighting, then our Amazon Black Friday deals hub is going to be the place for that.

Or you can get more wide on the deals at other retailers - perhaps you're thinking of a spot of Currys or Argos - and our Black Friday deals hub does just that.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand - let's take a look at all the top deals as they come in:

Amazon Boxes with Don't Miss logo

(Image credit: Amazon)

OK, it's just 15 minutes to go until Amazon says it's officially Black Friday - we mere mortals get no say in when Friday is nowadays.

Stick around - we'll be bringing you all the deals as they happen and a few other top ones that are on sale already.

Amazon Fire TV stick and echo dot one white

(Image credit: Future / Amazon)

One of the top deals around right now is the Amazon Fire TV Stick for £19 - already a good deal, you'll no doubt agree.

But one of the top items on sale is the Amazon Echo Dot - 3rd gen - which only costs £18.99 on a 'normal' deal - but if you combine it with the Fire TV Stick, then it'll only set you back £9.99 extra.

So, while they're a bit basic in terms of functionality - no 4K playback, no wider sound from the Echo - they're still excellent value if you're looking to upgrade the smarts in your home.

Instant Pot Duo Crisp

(Image credit: Future)

Right, let's get a little deeper now the clock has struck midnight. 

This one is a Black Friday classic - is there anyone who doesn't have one of these excellent appliances on their kitchen top at home? What? A few of you? Really? Check in your cupboard in case you put it in there and forgot about it.

If not, here's the cheapest ever price on the Instant Pot Duo Crisp - going for just £99.99 in tonight's sale at Amazon. Pressure cook or air fry to your heart's content with this handy two-in-one wonder appliance that's particularly good for rustling up quick meals for the family. 

These one's normally go for anywhere between £149 to £179, so this one's one of the better small appliance deals on Amazon right now and likely to be very, very popular. 

Garmin Forerunner 245

(Image credit: Future)

Right I'm a runner, and I've recommended this watch to a number of friends looking to level up from something basic like the Forerunner 55, and want a few extra features to enjoy.

Running on a cold November morning might not appeal to some, but for the brave few I've spotted the cheapest ever price on the Garmin Forerunner 245 - one of the better sports smartwatches out there right now.

This little mother will get you out of bed, tell you how you've slept, let you know how rested you are... then it'll track all your activities to an absolute tee - regardless of whether you prefer a dip in the pool or a long bike ride. 

This one's lightweight, got heaps of battery life, and is super comfy to boot. Definitely a good choice at this price if you're looking to get fit ahead of those New Year's resolutions.

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The best Black Friday Amazon UK deals live and updated as they happen
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