Amazon has been overtaken by three ecommerce rivals you've never heard of

Although Amazon continues to hold the top spot in the ecommerce market in the US, foreign competitors have now surpassed the company when...

Although Amazon continues to hold the top spot in the ecommerce market in the US, foreign competitors have now surpassed the company when it comes to app installs on the global stage.

According to new data from Apptopia's real-time data intelligence platform, the ecommerce giant came in fourth place in shopping app installations worldwide this year. This is quite the change compared to last year when Amazon had the most app installs worldwide.

The reason that Amazon fell from first to fourth place this year globally is due to the fact that its emerging competitors all do things a bit differently and have carved out their own spots in their respective niches.

Outranking Amazon in app installs

The three ecommerce companies that were able to surpass Amazon in app installs this year are Shopee, Shein and Meesho according to a new blog post from Apptopia.

Singapore-based Shopee came in first with 203m downloads and the company serves both the Southeast Asia and Latin American markets. Meanwhile China-based Shein came in second with 190m downloads and the company is a growing force in the fast fashion market. Finally, India-based Meesho which specializes in social ecommerce in fashion and home products took the third spot with 153m downloads.

While Shopee, Shein and Meesho may have outshined Amazon on the world stage in terms of app downloads, the ecommerce giant's app remained the most downloaded in the shopping category in the US according to Apptopia's rankings.

Amazon has a stranglehold on the US ecommerce market but the company's executives have continued to make the case to regulators that its small share of the global retail market is the main reason why they shouldn't pursue antitrust regulation against the company.

We've also highlighted the best ecommerce platforms and best ecommerce hosting

Via GeekWire

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Amazon has been overtaken by three ecommerce rivals you've never heard of
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