PSA: It's a good idea to reserve a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra before launch

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is rumored to go up for pre-order next month, and if you're interested in picking up the latest device, th...

The Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is rumored to go up for pre-order next month, and if you're interested in picking up the latest device, then we recommend you head on over to Samsung's reservation page and get your foot in the door this weekend.

Why? Well, first up, you can score yourself $50 of Samsung store credit on the house, but more importantly, you'll guarantee you'll get one of these bad boy devices as soon as they land. 

We've seen reports recently that the Galaxy S22 Ultra specifically could be out of stock for months - a rumor that's come directly from a well-known South Korean tech leaker. How long? Three months to be exact, which is a long wait if you're clamoring to upgrade to what's likely one of the best Android smartphones this year.

If you click through to the reservation page, you'll see two 'mystery' devices being teased. Interestingly, Samsung hasn't actually confirmed that these are S22 devices but let's be honest - considering there have been Galaxy S devices for many years now, it would be a complete shocker if it wasn't an S22 and S22 Ultra.

Even more so, we pretty much know everything there is to know about the upcoming Galaxy S22 Ultra. Most of the major details have already been leaked, such as its larger Galaxy Note-like squared-off design and S-Pen slot. However, the one thing we don't know is the price - which we'll get once these devices go up for pre-order on February 9th.

It may seem risky to reserve a device when you don't know all the details, but we say why not? You won't have to plop down any cash until the pre-orders go live, and you'll get a guaranteed place in line either way.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra reservations available

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: reserve and get a $50 store credit
Two 'mystery' Galaxy devices, highly likely to be the S22 range, are now available for reservation via the official Samsung Store page. Input your details right now, and you'll not only secure your device for when pre-orders go live, but you'll get $50 of store credit on the house to spend on any number of accessories.

Credit-wise, $50 isn't a huge amount but it's enough to contribute to a number of accessories, earbuds, or even smartwatch purchases via the Samsung Store. It's highly likely that the official store will also have competitive trade-in rates when the devices actually release to supplement your savings even further.

Not interested? Head on over to our weekly roundup of the best cell phone deals to check out today's options for other top Android and iOS devices.

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PSA: It's a good idea to reserve a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra before launch
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